Donating - What and why?

Disadvantaged children often grow up in homes where they do not have the opportunity to attend professional theatre events. The benefits theatre has on children is hard to quantify, however various studies believe that exposure to the arts enhances social skills, introduces them to new ideas and themes, and can even have a positive effect on their academic achievements.

We have found one major study that addressed this concept directly, from the respected Brookings Institute in the US where they summarise a two-year randomised control study with 10,000 students in Texas. The report concludes: ‘we find that increases in arts learning positively and significantly affect students’ school engagement, college aspirations, and their inclinations to draw upon works of art as a means for empathising with others.’ In terms of school engagement, students in the treatment group were more likely to agree that schoolwork is enjoyable, makes them think about things in new ways, and that their school offers programs, classes, and activities that keep them interested in school. 

With your donations we are able to help provide free tickets to schools and youth groups which are able to give these children experiences to help encourage creativity and potentially even spark an interest in theatre itself. Along side shows, we also help arrange workshops within the arts to get children involved and have an educating experience 

If you would like to help support us in getting these kinds of experiences for the younger generation who aren’t able to have them, please consider hitting the donation button.


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